I was wondering if anyone can help me? I am having problems getting internet access on my wife's notepad even though I have successfully connected to my WIFI network.
This is happening on a Lenovo S10-3 ideapad that has Windows 7 starter installed. I have an acer laptop and have connected to the same WIFI network which has no problem connecting to the internet. So far I have searched through google and tried a couple of things like system restores and flushing the IP address using the cmd prompt window but still I'm getting the same problem.
Can anyone help me please?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Try to restart your laptop. If that don't work try to restart only the network adapter(Disable it and after 10 seconds enable it) from Control Panel. If the second sujestion do not work for you try to uninstall and reinstall your WIFI drivers.
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